Dundee: St Salvador’s Episcopal Church
Wordsworth & Maskell, 1882 — organ surveyed August 2021
Audio recordings
Steven McIntyre
Initial Registration Sw: 8′ flues plus Oboe. Gt: Stopped Diapason, Wald Flute.
Changes +Sw/Gt; final chord is Sw Lieblich, Keraulophon, Vox Celeste.
Andrew Forbes
Initial Registration Sw: Open Diapason (box expression). Gt: alternating Stopped Diapason and Cremona. Pedal: Bourdon. Sw/Ped.
Changes End of A Section: Sw Oboe, Tremulant. B Section: Gt +Wald Flute, Sw/Gt; Sw +Piccolo. End of coda Sw: Keraulophon and Vox Celeste only.
Chris Bragg
Initial Registration Foundations 8′ and 4′ coupled, later addition of Swell reeds 8′ and 4′, then tutti, diminuendo, return to first registration.
Changes Ends on Swell Lieblich, Keraulophon.
Chris Bragg
Initial Registration Sw: Open Diapason, Lieblich, Oboe, Cornopean. Gt: Open, Violin, and Stopped Diapasons. [Pedal registration TBC]. Sw/Ped
Changes Box closed at start, later crescendo/diminuendo.
Steven McIntyre
Initial Registration Sw and Gt choruses (with Sw Lieblich, no reeds). [Pedal registration TBC]. Sw/Gt
Changes +Sw reeds. Central section solos: Gt Cremona (RH), Violin Diapason (LH).
Andrew Forbes
Initial Registration Sw: Lieblich Gedacht, Keraulophon, Vox Celeste. Gt: Stopped Diapason, Wald Flute. Pedal: Bourdon. Sw/Ped.
Changes Final section: Gt Dulciana against Sw strings (without Lieblich).