Largs: St Columba’s Parish Church
Henry Willis & Sons, 1892 — organ surveyed June 2024
Great (61 notes)
16 Double Diapason
8 Open Diapason
8 Claribel Flute
8 Dulciana
4 Principal
4 Harmonic Flute
2 Fifteenth
III Mixture
8 Trumpet
8 Clarionet
Zinc and plain metal, bass in case front
Zinc and plain metal, bass in case front
Wood, 1-12 stopped
Zinc and plain metal, bass in case front
Plain metal 1-20, spotted thereafter
Plain metal, harmonic from G#21
Plain metal 1-8, spotted thereafter
Spotted metal. CC=17:19:22/C25=12:15:17/F#43=8:12:15
Plain metal, non-harmonic
Plain metal
Swell (61 notes)
16 Lieblich Bourdon
8 Viola
8 Lieblich Flöte
8 Viola Dolce
8 Vox Angelica
4 Octave Viola
II Mixture
8 Horn
8 Hautboy
1-24 wood, plain metal thereafter
Zinc and plain metal
1-12 wood, plain metal thereafter
Zinc and plain metal
from C13, plain metal
Plain metal 1-44, spotted metal thereafter
Plain metal 1-8, spotted metal thereafter. 12:15 throughout
Plain metal, non-harmonic
Spotted metal
Pedal (30 notes)
16 Open Diapason
16 Violone
16 Bourdon
8 Octave
16 Trombone
Zinc, 1-12 from Great Double Diapason
Wood, 18 from Open Diapason
Plain metal
Couplers and actions
Swell to Great Unison (pneumatic)
Swell Super Octave (pneumatic)
Swell Sub Octave (pneumatic)
Great to Pedals (mechanical)
Swell to Pedals (mechanical)
Three composition pedals to Great & Pedal
Gt 1 = Claribel Flute, Harmonic Flute, Dulciana. Pedal Bourdon
Gt 2 = Gt Open, Dulciana, Principal, Fifteenth. Pedal Bourdon + Violone
Gt 3 = (as above) + Double Diapason, Mixture. Pedal Open
Three composition pedals to Swell
Sw 1 = Viola + Viola dolce
Sw 2 = (as above) + Octave viola + Mixture
Sw 3 = (as above) + Horn + Hautboy
Balanced Swell pedal (added 1955)
Swell Tremulant lever pedal
Wind pressure
“Discus” electric blower (1934)
Flue wind pressure: 31/2 inches
Reeds winds pressure: 7 inches
A = 445Hz