Fochabers: St Mary’s RC Church
James Bruce & Co., 1843 — organ surveyed June 2023
Great (GG, AA-g3, 60 notes)
8 Open Diapason
8 Stop Diapason Bass
8 Stop Diapason Treble
4 Principal
22/3 Twelfth
2 Fifteenth
8 Flute
GG, AA-F# shared with Stop Diapason Bass, G-B independent open pipes, c-g3 open metal
GG, AA, AA#, BB open wood, C-g3 metal
Open metal (C# and D# currently not planted, both severely damaged)
Open metal (made from tin above g)
Tenor G, open metal
All metal pipework equipped with tuning slides.
Composition Pedals
I – all stops
II – all stops minus Twelfth and Fifteenth
III – Stop Diapason and Flute only
Electric blowing (hand and foot mechanisms still available)
Tell-tale absent
A = 440.3Hz