Rosneath: St Modan’s Parish Church
Hill & Son, 1873 — organ surveyed May 2022
Audio recordings
Andrew Forbes
Initial Registration Sw: Open Diapason, Stopped Diapason, Salicional. Gt: Stopped Diapason, Wald Flute. Ped: Bourdon. Sw/Ped.
Changes End of first section –Sw Open, then Salicional. Central section +Sw Open, Salicional; Gt Gamba, then –Sw Open, Gt Gamba; then –Sw Salicional. Recapitulation +Sw Open, Salicional, –Gt Flute; later +Sw Oboe, –Sw/Ped; then +Sw/Ped, Gt Flute. Final diminuendo –Sw Oboe, Gt Stopped, Sw Open, and Sw Stopped, before +Sw Celeste.
Andrew Forbes
Initial Registration Sw: Open Diapason, Stopped Diapason, Salicional, Oboe. Gt: Open Diapason, Gamba, Stopped Diapason. Ped: Open Diapason, Bourdon. Sw/Gt, Sw/Ped, Gt/Ped.
Changes +/– Gt Principal, Flute for chorale tune passages. b15 +Sw principal; b30 +Sw Gedeckt, Gt Principal; b31 +Sw Fifteenth; b32 +Gt Fifteenth; b34 +Gt Trumpet.
Chris Bragg
Initial Registration Sw: Open Diapason. Gt: Stopped Diapason, Wald Flute. Ped: Bourdon. Gt/Ped.
Chris Bragg
Initial Registration Gt: Open Diapason, Stopped Diapason, Principal. Pedal: Open Diapason, Bourdon. Gt/Ped.
Steven McIntyre
This recording uses the original 1873 registration scheme, avoiding use of stops added or altered in 1894, except Sw Gedackt 16′ (in Variation 6, as called for in Mr Thayer’s registrations). The sole 1873 pedal stop, Bourdon 16′, is used throughout. Swell box is fixed throughout (half closed), as this would have been trigger controlled in 1873, presumably with a notch available.
Theme Sw: Stopped and Open Diapasons. Sw/Ped.
Variation 1 Gt: Stopped Diapason, Gamba. Gt/Ped.
2 Sw: Open Diapason, Oboe. Gt: Stopped Diapason. Gt/Ped.
3 Gt: Stopped Diapason, Wald Flute. Gt/Ped.
4 Sw: Stopped Diapason. Sw/Ped.
5 Sw: Open Diapason, Principal, Fifteenth. Sw/Ped.
6 Sw: Gedackt, Open Diapason, Principal. Gt: Gamba, Stopped Diapason, Wald Flute. Gt/Ped
7 Sw: Open Diapason, Principal, Fifteenth. Gt: Open Diapason, Gamba, Stopped Diapason, Principal. Sw/Ped, Gt/Ped, Sw/Gt.
Coda as above +Gt Fifteenth.
Chris Bragg
Initial Registration Sw: Open Diapason, Stopped Diapason, Principal, Fifteenth, Oboe. Gt: Open Diapason, Stopped Diapason, Gamba, Principal, Fifteenth, Trumpet. Pedal: Open Diapason, Bourdon. All couplers.
Changes p3: Gt Comp 1 [see specification]. p5, +Gt Principal. Later +Gt Fifteenth, Trumpet.
Chris Bragg
Initial Registration Sw: Stopped Diapason, Oboe. Gt: Stopped Diapason. Gt/Ped.
Changes Gt +Gamba, then –Gamba. Sw +Open Diapason, then return to initial registration. Sw Stopped Diapason, Salicional, +Ped Bourdon, +Sw/Gt. Later +Gt/Ped, then –Gt/Ped.