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Chris Bragg

Chris (project leader) was born in Stirling and was organ scholar of Dunblane Cathedral before going on to study at the former Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. He subsequently completed a Master’s degree in organ performance at the Amsterdam Conservatory as a pupil of Pieter van Dijk. In addition, he studied church music at the Conservatory of Utrecht and clavichord as a pupil of Menno van Delft. He has performed recitals in six European countries and in the USA. Chris Bragg is Head of Programming at the University of St Andrews Music Centre, organist of St Salvador’s Church in Dundee and is active as a teacher, translator and writer, in which capacity he is a frequent contributor to Choir and Organ magazine. He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries.

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Dundee: St Salvador’s Episcopal Church

Glasgow: Evangelical Church, Cathedral Square

Rosneath: St Modan’s Parish Church

Duror: St Adamnan’s Episcopal Church