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Duror: St Adamnan’s Episcopal Church

Various builders, since c.1700 — organ surveyed August 2022

Audio recordings

Quinto tiento de medio registro de baxon de primero tono – Francisco Correa de Arauxo
Chris Bragg
Initial Registration RH: Flute. LH: Principal and Fifteenth.
Segundo tiento de medio registro de tiple de séptimo ton – Francisco Correa de Arauxo
Chris Bragg
Initial Registration RH: Open and Stopped Diapasons, Principal, Fifteenth, Mixture. LH: Open and Stopped Diapasons, Principal.
Voluntary No.2 from Melothesia – Matthew Locke
Andrew Forbes
Initial Registration Stopped Diapason, Flute.
(the instrument was hand-blown for this recording)
Voluntary in G, Z.720 – Henry Purcell
Steven McIntyre
Initial Registration Stopped Diapason, Salicional.
Changes +Principal for Canzona.
Voluntary on the 100th Psalm, Z.721 – Henry Purcell
Andrew Forbes
Initial Registration Stopped Diapason, Principal.
Changes LH solo: +Fifteenth, Mixture. RH solo: +Fifteenth (no Mixture, due to break).
Voluntary No.6 (Ten Voluntaries, Op.7) – John Stanley
Steven McIntyre
Initial Registration Open and Stopped Diapasons.
Changes -Open Diapason for ‘Sw’ sections.