Largs: St Columba’s Parish Church
Henry Willis & Sons, 1892 — organ surveyed June 2024
Audio recordings
Steven McIntyre
Initial Registration: Swell: Viola Dolce, Lieblich flöte, Great: Clarabella, Ped: 16 Bourdon, Gt/Ped
Changes: b40: – Ped: Bourdon 16
b44: + Ped: Bourdon 16
Steven McIntyre
Initial Registration: Swell: Viola Dolce, Vox angelica, Great: Clarabella, Dulciana, Ped: Violone 16, Sw/Ped, Sw/Gt
Changes: b37: + Sw: Viola 8
b69 (last beat): – Sw/Gt
b70: – Sw: Viola 8
Chris Bragg
Initial Registration: Swell: Lieblich Bourdon, Viola Dolce, Vox Angelica (played one octave higher in RH)
Great: Dulciana, Pedal: Violone, Sw/Ped
Changes: Bar 6: – Sw: Lieblich Bourdon, Vox Angelica, add Lieblich Flöte
Bar 12: + Sw: Viola
Bar 16: + Sw/Gt, Gt/Ped
Bar 30: + Gt: Claribel Flute, Ped: Bourdon
Bar 36: – Gt: Claribel Flute, Ped: – Bourdon
Bar 37: – Sw: Viola
Bar 47: + Sw: Viola, Octave Viola
Bar 50: – Sw: Octave Viola
Bar 53: – Sw: Viola, Sw to Gt
Bar 55: – Gt Dulciana, + Claribel Flute, Harmonic Flute, Ped – Violone, – Gt to Ped
Bar 67: + Sw: Viola, – Gt: Claribel Flute, Harmonic Flute, + Dulciana, Ped: + Violone, + Sw/Gt
Bar 72: – Sw: Viola
Bar 74: + Sw: Viola
Bar 78: + Sw: Octave Viola, + Gt: Claribel Flute, + Ped: Bourdon
Bar 80: – Sw: Viola, Octave Viola, – Gt: Claribel Flute, – Ped: Bourdon
Bar 84: + Sw: Viola
Bar 85: + Gt: Claribel Flute, + Ped: Bourdon, + Gt/Ped
Bar 86: + Sw: Hautboy
Bar 87: + Gt: Harmonic Flute
Bar 88: + Gt: Open Diapason, + Ped: Open Diapason
Bar 96: – Gt: Open Diapason, – Ped: Open Diapason
Bar 97: – Sw: Hautboy
Bar 98: – Gt: Harmonic Flute
Bar 99: – Gt: Claribel Flute, – Ped: Bourdon, – Gt/Ped
Bar 100: – Sw: Viola
Bar 102: + Sw: Viola, + Gt: Claribel Flute, + Ped: Bourdon
Bar 110: + Sw: Lieblich Bourdon, Octave Viola
Bar 115: – Sw: Lieblich Bourdon, Octave Viola
Bar 117: – Sw: Viola, – Ped: Violone, Bourdon, – Sw/Gt
Bar 123: + Sw: Viola
Bar 126: – Gt: Claribel Flute, + Ped: Violone, + Sw/Gt, Gt/Ped
Bar 134: + Gt: Claribel Flute, + Ped: Bourdon
Bar 140: – Gt/Ped
Bar 141: – Gt: Claribel Flute, – Ped: Bourdon
Bar 142: – Sw: Viola
Bar 144: + Gt: Clarionet, – Sw/Gt
Bar 148: + Sw: Vox Angelica
Bar 149: – Sw: Lieblich Flöte
Andrew Forbes
Initial Registration: Swell Comp 2 + Lieblich Flöte, Horn – Mixture; Great & Pedal Comp 2 – Fifteenth; Sw/Gt, Sw/Ped, Gt/Ped
Changes: b31: Swell Comp 1; Great & Pedal Comp 1 – Flute Harmonique; –Gt/Ped.
b47 (15 bars after Dolce): + Gt: Flute Harmonique.
b60: + Sw: Octave Viola, Horn; Great + Open Diapason; +Gt/Ped.
b62: Gt + Principal.
b66: Gt & Pedal Comp 2.
b78: Sw Comp 3.
b83: Gt & Pedal Comp 3.
b90: Gt + Trumpet.
b92: Ped + Trombone
Chris Bragg
Initial Registration: Sw: Viola, Lieblich Flöte, Octave Viola, Mixture, Hautboy, Horn
Gt: Double Diapason, Open Diapason, Claribel Flute, Principal, Fifteenth, Trumpet
Ped: Open Diapason, Violone, Bourdon, Octave, Trombone
Couplers: Swell to Great, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal
Changes: Bar 124: Sw: – Mixture, Gt: + Harmonic Flute, – Fifteenth, Double Diapason, Trumpet, Principal, Ped: – Open Diapason, Octave, Trombone, – Sw/Ped, – Sw/Gt, +/- Gt Principal
Bar 190: Sw: Mixture, Gt: – Harmonic Flute, + Double Diapason, Fifteenth, Trumpet (Principal already engaged), + Ped: Open Diapason, Octave, Trombone, + Sw/Ped, Sw/Gt
Bar 259: + Sw: Lieblich Bourdon, + Swell Sub Octave [to Great]
Bar 270: + Gt: Mixture
Andrew Forbes
Initial Registration: Sw: Viola Dolce, Lieblich Flöte, Gt: Clarabella; Ped: Bourdon, Sw/Gt, Sw/Ped
Changes: b16: + Sw: Viola, + Gt: Flute Harmonique; –Sw/Gt
b25: Swell Comp 2 + Lieblich bourdon, Hautboy – Mixture, Great & Pedal Comp 1
b36: – Sw: Lieblich Bourdon
b40: – Sw: Octave Viola
b42: – Gt: Flute Harmonique, +Sw/Gt
b50: + Sw: Octave Viola, – Hautboy.
b54: + Sw: Hautboy.
b71: – Sw: Viola Dolce, Octave Viola, Hautboy, + Gt: Flute Harmonique, Clarionet, – Dulciana.
b75: + Sw: Viola Dolce, Vox Angelica, – Viola, Lieblich Flöte, – Gt: Clarabella, Flute Harmonique; –Sw/Gt.