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Rosneath: St Modan’s Parish Church

Hill & Son, 1873 — organ surveyed May 2022


all pipework 1873, unless specified otherwise

Great (56 notes)
8 Open Diapason
8 Gamba
8 Stopped Diapason
4 Principal
4 Wald Flute
2 Fifteenth
8 Trumpet

1-19 (zinc) in front 
1-12 grooved to Stopped Diapason


1894 on added clamp

Swell (56 notes)
16 Gedeckt
8 Open Diapason
8 Stopped Diapason
8 Salicional
8 Voix Celeste 
4 Principal
2 Fifteenth
8 Oboe

1894 to low A# (wood)
1–12 1894 (zinc)
1894 to low A#, 1–10 grooved to Stopped Diapason
1894 to tenor C

Pedal (30 notes)
16 Open Diapason
16 Bourdon

1894 (wood)

Couplers and actions
Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
Balanced Swell Pedal (c.1975)
3 composition pedals to Great & Pedal
3 composition pedals to Swell
Manual/Pedal key actions: mechanical
Drawstop, ventil and composition actions: mechanical 
Electric blowing (NB feeders in situ)

A = 445.4Hz
C = 530.0Hz

Composition pedals
1 Sw Salicional, Stopped Diapason; Gt Gamba, Stopped Diapason, Open Diapason
2 adds Sw Open Diapason, Principal
3 adds Sw Fifteenth, Oboe; Gt Principal, Wald Flute, Fifteenth, Trumpet